Monday, April 19, 2010

Rat Dogs & Their Bad Owners

I've been living in my building for about 2 years now and have noticed that I have had the unfortunate luck of small yappy little rat dogs (let's call them "rogs") on both of the floors I've lived on.  That said, it's unfortunate that these yappy little mutts of the rat-dog hybrid family have such crappy owners to teach them absolutely nothing. I've seen rogs that are quite well behaved, but in most cases almost as excruciating to the ears as bagpipes.
If the Dog Whisperer has taught me anything, it's that any dog can be trained and just needs the human to become pack leader and enforce rules and boundaries.  Unfortunately, most people don't understand that concept, and have basically let the dogs become the leaders with no regard to courtesy of those around them.
Now I've never wanted a dog, as they have far more energy and require far more attention than most other animals.  I've never had a problem with them either, and enjoy petting the random dog that passes by with its owner.  I've always had a place for animals, and not just on the grill with BBQ sauce and a baked potato on the side.  I find animal cruelty disgusting and worthy of a severe beating causing lifelong pain.  But I consider bad owners cruelty to animals as well.
The specific rog and it's tubby companion owner have caused me numerous bits of agony.  Every time I walk by the door containing this fearsome man killer, loud high pitched barking ensues.  This is the same for any person that dares step within 4 feet of the door in question.  This barking is bad enough that it has come through his door, down the hall and through my door.  I can even hear it over hockey games.
One particular evening, I had the pleasure of running into said owner and exchanged a few words about how loud the dog was and the discomfort felt by the people on the floor as a result.  The 270 lb fitness expert decided that instead of a simple apology or at least acknowledgment of the problem, to instead insult and threaten me.  That's fine.  I picked a few choice words, hopped in the elevator and that was the end of that.
To my happiness, I was informed by management today (whom I happen to get along with very well and were aware of the problem) that these unwelcome neighbors have decided to move as a result of people complaining and the fear that somebody would put the rog down the garbage chute if it didn't keep quiet.
I would never hurt an animal, but thanks to some words which may or may not have come out of my mouth as a result of enjoying As Good As It Gets, I think they got the point.
Goodbye crappy owners.  You wont be missed.

Here's hoping to a fast work week,


1 comment:

  1. As the decedent of proud Scotsmen I must take offense to “most cases almost as excruciating to the ears as bagpipes.”
    Bag pipes are more like a goose being stepped on, than a rog. Now get it right.

    Otherwise total agreement
