Friday, September 24, 2010

P90X : First 90 Days Complete

Well, it's finally done.  After the 90 day cycle, I've gotten through P90X in one piece.  I can't bullshit and say I didn't miss days here and there, or that I followed the diet plan to a T, but I did finish most of what I was supposed to.  I'm very pleased with the results.

Now I have to wonder why Men's Fitness or Men's Health (or both) magazines attacked this program by saying it was a scam? Perhaps because the competition is kicking their asses? Blatant false attacks like that remind me of the same strategy that Liberals utilize during election campaigns.  Attack, attack, attack with no proof and just desperate nonsense in a pathetic attempt to come out on top.

I've decided that though I am happy with the turnout, there is still more work to do.  I have a little bit of fat left to burn, and will, but will take a week off first.  After that, I will focus more on building up muscle this time around.  I've already made a workout plan for the next 90.

Final results : 33 pounds lost, 3-4 sizes off of the waist, and far more muscle definition than I had before.  Not bad to go from 222 pounds to 189 in 3 months.  And this is when I didn't follow the diet, still smoke, and drink on my day off each week.

We'll see what happens during the next round.  Keep pushing play and bring it!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

P90X Day 39

I must admit, I still hate yoga.  Though it makes me sweat, I simply cannot (yet) pull off some of the moves that are on this DVD.  I'm getting a bit better at these stretches but most were simply not made for men that have certain extra items between the legs.  Simply put, it will take a lot of time to master these awkward stretches without damaging vital parts in the process.

Legs & back is tomorrow and is one that I enjoy simply for the weight training.  As I have a history of a bad left knee from boxing, I alter a few to even out the weight put on it (leaning against the wall on one leg being one).  I've been keeping an eye open for a decent knee brace that will be as comfortable as it is useful, but have yet to be convinced of any certain brand/style that would be of use to me.  I'd rather not buy one just to find that it is uncomfortable and/or useless in giving me the extra support I need to properly pull off some of these exercises.  I'm welcome to ideas on the subject.

Other than the above named problems, I'm doing quite well.  Fluctuating weight during the day aside, I've taken off an average of 18 pounds.  I'm dying to break the 200 pound mark and reenter the 100s, but don't know how much of a possibility that is since I am simultaneously putting on muscle mass.   Apart from the 10 and 25 pound resistance bands I already have, my newly found strength is demanding heavier weight to keep within the needed 8-10 reps and thus build on current muscle.  I wonder if they make 40 pound bands?  If I cannot find a heavier weight in band form, I may actually have to spend the money on free weights, which will hit the wallet more than I wanted to.

It's only getting better each day now, and since I no longer box, perhaps I'll just sacrifice a small goat in an archaic ritual and drink its blood for immortality and the ability to lift small objects with my mind.  Or maybe I'll just go to bed.  Yes.  That first.  I'll decide the goat's fate later.

Good night folks,


Tuesday, July 20, 2010


It's been a long time since I posted a blog, but as I've been having such a great challenge with P90X, I decided to talk a bit about it.

For those of you that have lived in a cave their whole lives or never owned a TV, P90X is an extreme fitness program designed to sculpt and build your body.  It is a 1 hour a day, 6 days a week fitness phenomenon and has worked wonders for everybody that puts in the effort to complete this 90 day program.

Start up cost is the most expensive part, and even then, it still beats going to the gym every day since I can do this in the comfort of home.  It cost me around $200 dollars for the equipment (resistance band, heart rate monitor, yoga mat, work out clothes, multivitamins, whey protein powder etc) This doesn't include the P90X discs themselves, which cost about $100 for all 12.  After a few months, you've already made your money back in savings from no gym fees.

The exercises themselves consist of every thing from "Ab Ripper X" that strengthens and sculpts your abdominal area to "Plyometrics" which is an EXTREME cardiovascular jump training workout (easily the hardest workout in my opinion) to my personal favorite "Kenpo X" which is, as it says, Kenpo.  This is punching, kicking, blocking, etc and actually quite fun even with the vast amount of sweating you do throughout.  Also included are workouts like Chest & Back, Arms & Shoulders, Yoga X and more.  All are tough, but none are impossible once you get your fitness level up after a few weeks.

I started it on June 26th, and though I haven't followed the diet to a tee, I've still been careful with what I put into my body, and have gotten very encouraging results thus far, less than a month in.  I've lost 7 pounds, have more energy, a flatter stomach, and the ab muscles have started to come in.  If this is what I can expect with less than a month, I'm looking forward to the next two months, maybe more.

I've found myself becoming an unpaid advocate of this program simply based on the mentioned benefits.  Maybe I can get paid to advertise it eventually?

Monday, May 3, 2010

So Freaking Tired

I remember back when I was a kid how little sleep I needed to wake up refreshed and ready to go for the day.  Sometimes as little as 3 hours worth would be enough for me to wake up happy and refreshed.  I wouldn't dare try that now.
At 27, even the thought of 7 hours of sleep terrifies me.  At times I've set myself up for a nice 9 hours of sleep. This never seems to work, as my biological clock wakes me up 2 hours before my alarm goes off for work, still tired as hell.  And this only makes me want to rip out this proverbial clock and throw it out the GD window.  Why would your body wake you up so early? I think I need to sync my clock with NASA time or something because it's just getting ridiculous.
It's such a change from my past what I can and cannot pull off especially in the realm of sleeping habits.  I have pulled all-nighters, gone out partying until 5 or 6am, and have generally spit in the face of common sense and good rest.  It seems that those insults to rest have caught up with me now.  There's no way on God's green Earth that I could stay up until 5 or 6 in the morning, let alone all night.  I'd be lucky to go past midnight these days.  I start to feel a bit tired usually around 10.  Am I really that old? Where did that crazy spirit go?
I've accepted the fact that I'm not the energetic 18 year old anymore.  I've accepted that I have far more responsibilities than I used to as well.  But if I ever start going to be earlier than 10 on a regular basis, along with waking up at 4 in the morning like many seniors, I may as well lay down and die right there as life wouldn't be fun at all anymore.
Until then, I'll start training like Rocky to pull off one more all-nighter before I turn 30.  That is, unless I fall asleep in the middle of training and don't remember what I was doing or what my name is when I wake up.



Monday, April 19, 2010

Rat Dogs & Their Bad Owners

I've been living in my building for about 2 years now and have noticed that I have had the unfortunate luck of small yappy little rat dogs (let's call them "rogs") on both of the floors I've lived on.  That said, it's unfortunate that these yappy little mutts of the rat-dog hybrid family have such crappy owners to teach them absolutely nothing. I've seen rogs that are quite well behaved, but in most cases almost as excruciating to the ears as bagpipes.
If the Dog Whisperer has taught me anything, it's that any dog can be trained and just needs the human to become pack leader and enforce rules and boundaries.  Unfortunately, most people don't understand that concept, and have basically let the dogs become the leaders with no regard to courtesy of those around them.
Now I've never wanted a dog, as they have far more energy and require far more attention than most other animals.  I've never had a problem with them either, and enjoy petting the random dog that passes by with its owner.  I've always had a place for animals, and not just on the grill with BBQ sauce and a baked potato on the side.  I find animal cruelty disgusting and worthy of a severe beating causing lifelong pain.  But I consider bad owners cruelty to animals as well.
The specific rog and it's tubby companion owner have caused me numerous bits of agony.  Every time I walk by the door containing this fearsome man killer, loud high pitched barking ensues.  This is the same for any person that dares step within 4 feet of the door in question.  This barking is bad enough that it has come through his door, down the hall and through my door.  I can even hear it over hockey games.
One particular evening, I had the pleasure of running into said owner and exchanged a few words about how loud the dog was and the discomfort felt by the people on the floor as a result.  The 270 lb fitness expert decided that instead of a simple apology or at least acknowledgment of the problem, to instead insult and threaten me.  That's fine.  I picked a few choice words, hopped in the elevator and that was the end of that.
To my happiness, I was informed by management today (whom I happen to get along with very well and were aware of the problem) that these unwelcome neighbors have decided to move as a result of people complaining and the fear that somebody would put the rog down the garbage chute if it didn't keep quiet.
I would never hurt an animal, but thanks to some words which may or may not have come out of my mouth as a result of enjoying As Good As It Gets, I think they got the point.
Goodbye crappy owners.  You wont be missed.

Here's hoping to a fast work week,


Thursday, April 15, 2010

If I Were Prime Minister......

There would be a few changes I'd make in a political position of power especially if I were Prime Minister:
  • Major social changes such as gay marriage would not be voted by politicians.  They would be voted by the people in a referendum.  Then, and only then would it be completely democratic.
  • I'd push for a referendum vote on the death penalty in hopes of bringing it to Canada.
  • If you aren't running for representation as an MP in every province and territory, you will not be recognized as a political party, but as an independent(s) (see Bloc Quebecois)
  • No more slaps on the wrist for murderers, rapists, child molesters etc.  25 years minimum sentence if found guilty with no chance of parole for 20.
  • Immediate deportation of immigrants for serious crimes (See my previous blog "Close The Doors" for details)
  • Natives would no longer get free handouts.  No need to pay people for a treaty that none of this generation were involved in or affected by.
  • Global Warming would no longer be recognized by the Canadian government as it has been proven false by the majority of accredited Climatologists and the government would not partake in any such summits based on this fact.
  • The welfare system would become nearly nonexistent and those that apply would be thoroughly screened before approval and every year afterward.
  • To be eligible for unemployment, you would need to have worked 6 months for every month that you are on it.  There are plenty of jobs, and if the only work available is Macdonalds, then so be it.  It's a job and will pay the bills.  "Beggars can't be choosers" as my father always said.
  • Military men & women will receive far better pensions & benefits for their service to this country (It would be up for debate on the figures)
  • Any government employees from the Prime Minister down to a secretary will be monitored closely for all spending they charge back to the country.  Any charges a person willingly makes knowing that it isn't legal/allowed will be result in immediate termination and the funds will be recovered through garnishing of wages in future employment and/or the courts.
  • Senators will be elected as in any democratic system.  Appointments will be immediately halted.
 Those are but a few of the major changes I would love to see made.  I just hope to see a couple of them in my lifetime.

Happy Thursday!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Aid, Aid, And More Aid

How long has Africa been considered a "developing" continent?  How long will it remain as such?  This has been a question that I have asked for the last decade.  
In the last 50 years, Africa has received more than 1 TRILLION dollars in "aid" from Canada and the US alone.  And that figure doesn't include individual donations.  So far, I haven't seen much developing at all with such a substantial amount of money.  There are many reasons behind this that haven't seemed to get through to the heads of our governments :

  • This money is largely being given to the governments of African countries, they themselves trusted to use these funds to help their people.  Considering the long history of corruption in these governments, little, if any ever reaches the people that need it.
  • The money that reaches the people is used in the wrong way such as giving them food through organizations such as the Red Cross, instead of helping them become self-sustaining.  The age old adage comes into play in this case : Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day.  Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for life. 
  • Not enough money is being dedicated towards simple education to improve their own lives.
It's come to the point that I couldn't care less about African poverty.  They know how kids are created yet they continue to have them.  Perhaps teaching them about oral sex could prevent this? If they gave a damn about their kids, they would stop having more when they can't afford to feed the ones they have.  I will never willingly give any money to any African aid organization.  It's not my job to raise their kids.  It's not my job to increase their quality of life and it isn't my responsibility to pay for their education. 
One thing is a definite in my mind : Africa will never be a "developed" continent.  There is more civil war on that continent than all other continents combined.  The Sudan has been likely the longest running of these, having been in a near constant civil war for 26 years.  Money hasn't stopped it, and the UN (one of the most corrupt and useless bureaucratic bodies in the world) hasn't done a thing to stop it.
It's come to the point where all aid needs to be pulled, all foreign troops need to be withdrawn, and all eyes need to turn away from this continent.  Let Africa run it's course.  Money, diplomacy (hard enough in a prehistoric system that the majority of Africa uses for "government") and good will have done nothing.  If they are meant to destroy themselves like savage animals, then let it happen.  You wont see any tears from my eyes.
While we're at it, stop giving money to Haiti.  They have enough to rebuild better than before and will only turn it into a "ghetto" as before.  I've known quite a few people that have traveled to the Dominican Republic and have been warned not to cross into Haiti because they will kill you there.  If that's so, why would we help them?



Thursday, April 8, 2010

Great Critiques

I've been watching the critiques of Star Trek and Star Wars lately on and wanted to share them.  These videos are funny as hell and have made me laugh to no end.  Check it out for yourself on their site.  Here's a glimpse of one of the multi-part critiques (Warning : NSFW language) :

Now, I've always been a huge Star Wars fan, and have always enjoyed the Star Trek movies (though the TV shows suck) but he nails it on the head with the huge problems that these movies made.  That said, it's going to be a little less enjoyable watching them now.

Happy Thursday,


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Close The Doors

When is the time to say enough is enough? Currently Canada stands at over 34 million people and if you've ever taken city transit, you'll notice one thing that I do all the time: Not only is it packed, but actual English speaking Canadians are hard to find most places these days. On top of this, I keep hearing them demand doctors that speak their language and full access to health care though they haven't contributed to it (in the case of newer immigrants).
THIS IS CANADA! Our official languages are English and French. Learn one of both of them or get out. This boohoo mentality of adapting for them is a joke. The immigrant has a responsibility to adapt to the country he/she goes to. I'm sick of these bleeding heart Liberals and their nonsense about immigration when their own leader hadn't lived in this country for years and has said he'll go back to the US if he doesn't succeed (become Prime Minister) in politics.
Time to pull your heads out. Unskilled immigrants : Not welcome. Non-English speaking immigrants : Not welcome. Senior immigrants and others that cannot work : Unwelcome. Close the damn doors. We have enough to deal with, with the immigrants we already have. Don't like your country? Move. But don't come here. The vast majority of Canadians are against the same I am according to numerous polls, yet for some reason are too scared to say so in this pathetic politically correct age. Stand up. Make yourselves heard. Fear not retribution because the only thing that those weak minded individuals can do is try to insult you. They will call you racist, uncaring monsters, but when you face them with facts, they will do what they always do : Keep spouting names because that is all these feeble minds can muster in their own defense instead of actual facts.
Current immigrants in this country are of many races, colours, and creeds. Many are hard working, pay their taxes, and live in peace. Those who choose to commit serious crimes should be tried in court, and if/when they are found guilty, kicked out of this country immediately. Not in a year or two. Within a month. On their dime, not the taxpayer's. If they have a bank account in Canada, seize the funds to pay for their deportation and trial among the other expenses they have put on our system. The rest can go to the victims, the families of victims, or to the government. It matters not. Those scumbags deserve none of it after showing how much they "care" about the country they were let into.

Until next time,


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Side Effects May Include.....

Every time I turn on the TV I see another commercial for some "miracle" drug that treats anything from depression to foot odor. It's incredible to listen to the side effects they list.
These side effects may include nausea, upset stomach, diarrhea, headaches, sore throat, viral infection, blurry vision, loss of vision, delusions of grandeur, impotence, sterility, numbness, growth of an extra finger, baldness, breast growth in men, tennis elbow, dry mouth, indigestion, cramps, mild to severe coughing, cold sweats, hot sweats, insomnia, narcolepsy, hemorrhoids, love letters to people you don't know, alcoholism, drug abuse, eating disorders, loss of appetite, gain of appetite, constipation, suicidal thoughts and death.
But at least you wont be depressed anymore. That is, until you experience one or some of these side effects. So much for the "miracle" drug. It will be a miracle if there aren't any side effects at all.

Happy Thursday,


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Apartment Has Gremlins

I'm pretty convinced that somewhere in my apartment there is a secret access panel to gain entry from the outside. Since I moved into my apartment about 6 months ago, random things are disappearing from my room including things that I wouldn't have any interest in moving from their normal spots. They include, but are not limited to my T4, toothpaste, cologne, soap, dvds, toilet paper, tums, clothes and lighters. Since most of the items in question were last seen in my bathroom, I decided to turn to my own detective skills to track down the culprit(s). After all, one never truly appreciates the subtle world of toiletries until he/she is without them and in need.
I started my search around the toilet area, fearing that those guilty may have gained entry using advanced special forces scuba techniques. Nothing seemed out of place except the unsightly ring around the bowl, which I quickly took care of, putting even Mr. Clean to shame. My search then turned to the bathtub. Perhaps there was an entrance of some kind? I could not locate any crease, and with a small push was unable to find an Indiana Jones-esque secret door. I was unconvinced that no such door existed as there could be a locking mechanism on the other side but moved on.
A further search of the cupboards and medicine cabinet came up empty. My patience was running thin.
After being laughed out of the building management's office (apparently they don't do gremlin fumigation), I decided that for the time being, not much else could be done. My last ditch effort was to utilize a roll of my beloved 2-ply in the middle of the bathroom floor with a string attached to see if I could catch this greasy sneak. I would not give up, believing that those guilty must be brought to justice.
I gave up the next day. Motivation does not stay in such situations. I will share my things, but next time could these bandits at least leave a note?

Happy hump day,


Monday, March 29, 2010

Blogging 101

I've been holding back for the longest time from starting a blog, but have finally caved after seeing how fun it would be to just be able to spout off about anything, anytime.
I figured doing this would be much more fun than taking any of the hundreds of "happy pills" available and far more legal than hitting random strangers with large pieces of rubber tubing purchased at the local Rona.
I've been paying close attention to blogs written by friends and family, and have delighted in some of the humour in them. One of these blogs is written by my brother-in-law, Shane, concerning the birth of his second son, Kyron (my nephew). Scroll over to his site at, but may you get horrible pink eye if you dare go there before reading mine.
By now I've seen at least 3 different blogs created by Shane and am fairly convinced that he has more of them than he does diapers for the baby.
I don't think I have a chance to win over the female crowd from his site unless I posted a hundred pictures of kittens, puppies, babies, and perhaps chocolate to slowly lure them in. And by that time I'd have no idea what else to do (the things named are all I know that women like).
I've been struggling to think of a general topic to use for most of my blogs, and have landed on the conclusion that it really doesn't matter. Politics, humour, animals, family or why I love my new socks could all be used as topics for discussion, though it would be quite the feat to put them all together and blog about it.
Another friend followed Shane's blogging brick road a short while ago. Jill has finally crossed the realm by taking her twisted mind and putting it in print. Her blog can be found at As before, may you get athlete's foot in the face if you dare cross before finishing your daily reading of my blog :) Speak of the Devil, I think I'll just end it there and let you freaks go about your daily business however normal or demented that may be.

